JM Instruments (estd. 2005) makes affordable lutes in stock, and available now! (from £884!*) Phone: 01283734388 or email: info(at) Medieval Renaissance Student lutes Baroque
Mandolino Mandora Theorboes, Chitarroni and Archlutes Romantic guitars

Based on originals in museums, instruments are not heavy, mass produced cheaper lutes, with inauthentic barring, plywood laser-burnt/drilled out roses, and claiming to be after Hans Frei or Edlinger yet not the same body shape! ( hear a converted/upgraded cheap lute) Choose from many woods, rose designs, decorative extras, and stringing. Previous orders include: the student 7crs Frei (2004) for Richard MacKenzie hear it here, and his latest releases here! Hear the 11crs student Frei lute in gut (played by Mihaly Benko). The C19th Mandora with Schumanns' Kinderszenen c1838 played here by Chris Hirst and here a Rondo by Schiedler (1747-1829) composed c1814. Another late baroque lute with fitted amp was made in 2010 for Dr Dale Harris here.The cheapest lute is £884, commissioned by the National Trust for Knowle, played here. Instruments pictured above are: the student Sellas theorbo, played by R.MacKenzie (also hear his student 7crs Frei lute, and the 6crs Benedid guitar). The 2nd picture is the 10/11crs Hans Frei lute played by Alex McCartney. Also in single strung version. Lastly a 10crs Burkholtzer lute, for Rod Blocksidge, now converted to single strings, as is the 11/12crs Frei, and 8crs mandora. He also has a Lacote guitar.
See the surviving museum instruments here. Previous orders: a Terz guitar made for Jamie Akers (hear on his CD, track 5&6), the EMT lute , the Student Mandora, the 7crs Maler Lute-Guitar, the scaled-down student Quito Vihuela. *All prices exlcude case.